Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year

Greetings. I've blogged before, but one of my New Year's Resolutions is to do it more often and to keep them short and sweet. I'm also doing this for my music site, so you'll read a lot about what I'm doing with my career and what I'm working on musically, etc., but I'll also drop in the occassional random thought(s).

Anyway, as 2009 begins, I'm trying to finish November Sessions, an album three years in the making. I'll take this opportunity to tell the story of November Sessions:

When I moved to New York in January of 2006, I had just completed my last EP, The Pool Table Matter (available here on iTunes). I moved to New York to boost my career and to get things going with my music, but life got in the way. The reality of surviving financially in this city forced me to work a 9 to 5. Being a newlywed and a new New Yorker took a lot of adjusting as well, leaving very little time for sitting in a room and jotting down ideas.

Having started working and immediately overcome with the staleness of an office job, I became inspired (living in New York didn't hurt either), and in November of 2006, I wrote about a dozen songs in a matter of weeks, maybe even days (I can't remember), all dealing with the strains of feeling locked down and knowing that all it takes is for me to quit whining, get off my ass and JUST START CREATING.

A couple of years and a few more songs later, I've since tracked about 18 songs and I'm in the process of mixing, re-editing and deciding which ones will eventually end up on November Sessions. I hope to be finished with the album by this month. For now, you can still get all my music on iTunes and check out some great videos of past performances on YouTube and Facebook.

I'll keep you guys posted on the progess of Sessions. Until then, Happy New Year and here's to a GREAT 2009. Let's make it happen!

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