Saturday, January 24, 2009

Throwing Hot Pockets

Greetings. I've been working on the demos for the 12 songs ... hope to have them ready for you special people out there that I so dearly trust with sneak peaks of my music. I hope to finish them by this weekend.

OK. What a week! President Obama. That was something. But this week was also significant because it marked the return of LOST, which is, to me, the best scripted show on television right now. Season 5's season premiere - an airing of two hour-long episodes - was AWESOME.

The first scene - a flashback of Dr. Chang filming a Dharma Orientation Video - was FILLED with so much allegory, I would've been fine had the first episode ended with that close-up of Faraday's face. The time on the clock, the playing of a record, Willie Nelson's "Shotgun Willie", a BABY!!, the record skipping, the Barracks, the filming of the Orientation Video, the Orchid being built (looking all "incomplete-Death Star"-like), the drill bits melting, the construction worker bloody-nosed and passed out, the sonogram of the donkey wheel, Dr. Chang talking about manipulating time, Faraday's cameo ... AHH! What an opening!

On the mainland (and three years later ... well, after they left the island, anyway), the Oceanic 6 are all in Southern California, enjoying shelter, air conditioning, transportation, microwaves, hospitals, dishwashers, etc. But it's clear that they're all unhappy ... or, dare I say, LOST. I know Ben still has something up his sleeve, but I can't tell if he really wants the Oceanic 6 to return with him to the island, or if he's just trying to get back to the island and he knows that this is his only chance. And his meeting with Ms. Hawking at the end of the second hour ... WTF?!?! She has to be Faraday's mom, right?

I wasn't a fan of Ana Lucia, but it was cool to see her little cameo ... here's to hoping that they do that more and more before the series' end. We need more Libby and Mr. Eko, please. BRING THEM BACK.

On the island, time travel. It was a bit much going back and forth, but I trust it won't be that sporadic in the upcoming episodes. They'll still be going back and forth, just not as constantly as they were in the premiere ... like, every five minutes? That's going to get annoying ... FAST. I trust the writers agree with me ("trust" meaning "hope"). However, what a COOL way to portray the island's time-traveling capabilities. Too bad there aren't any time circuits around to tell you where you are, where you're going, and where you were. Doc Brown, please report to the Pearl Station immediately.

Locke's scenes were great. Seeing Yemi's plane crash was cool, and his brief conversation with Richard about how he will have to die to save the island ... they've anointed Locke Messiah already. I'm pretty sure he will die only to rise again - on the island. Brilliant. And the other Others ... the Anothers? ... too early to tell what's going on there. Are they Dharma? Are they from the past? The future? Do they have four toes? WE WANT TO KNOW.

Finally, Desmond. I love the role they've given him; his role in saving the island. It will be interesting to see if Faraday ever gets to plant anymore "reminders" with Des. Also, what will become of Penny? Will Ben get to her or will Des try to bring her to the island? SO MANY POSSIBILITIES.

There still one more season after this, but I'd like for the following mysteries to be solved sooner than later:
The four-toed statue
Who is Richard Alpert?
Why was Libby in the mental institution with Hurley?
Who are Adam & Eve?
Is Jin really dead?
Is Locke really dead?
Will Cheech find Chong?

'Til next week ...

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